Monday, November 30, 2009

Take Two

Here's a few more photos from the other day. Just thought you'd enjoy.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Model Ms.

Today I snagged my friend's daughter and shot some pictures of her. She's quite the model. Don't you think??

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Park Days

Another fun day at the park. I taught Wetfoot today how to push herself on the swing. She got so high. It seems like just a few months ago she was scared to swing that high. What can I say?... She's growing up.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lounge

So, like I said we've been on the go. Last Saturday we went to a lounge to hear Brian McKnight perform. We had such a good time. My girlfriends and I got a picture with his son Brian Jr. after the show. He sounds a lot like his dad. Sorry about the picture quality. It was taken with a cell phone.


So, I been confused about what to do for work. Even though I enjoy working with children with special needs, I'm still not satisfied. I'm seriously contemplating going back to school. It's hard because my passion is photography but I'm not sure if that is going to be the best thing for our family. I'll leave you with a picture I took of lovely girl awhile back. Hope you enjoy.

Wedding Bells

We've been BUSY over here. Well, we moved on October 24th and that night we went to "Party Girl's" Wedding. Well...actually we didn't get there in time for the ceremony. But we did happen to make it for the reception and I did manage to snap a couple of pictures. I mean after all, you must admit we got there in time for what really matters. The partying!!! :)